Doing their job (File photo)
Only 9.4 percent of Michiganders have received the latest Covid vaccine -- the 2024-25 version as of Nov. 16, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
That figure compares with 19.7 percent of the state's residents who have gotten the latest flu shot.
Last week, 2.4 of 100,000 hospitalizations in the state were for Covid, zero were for influenza and 0.4 per 100,000 were associated with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), according to the state.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is encouraging people to get the latest Covid shot because:
- Protection from the COVID-19 vaccine decreases with time.
- Immunity after COVID-19 infection decreases with time.
- COVID-19 vaccines are updated to give the best protection from the currently circulating strains.